The collaboration between the pharmaceutical industry and health professionals and health organizations is based on their legitimate need. The interaction between both groups brings important benefits in a double direction: on the one hand, it enables the updating and improvement of the knowledge and skills of health professionals; and, on the other, it allows companies to use the knowledge and value they bring. All for the priority goal: to make medical innovation available to patients..
The scientific and technical complexity of the profession and the permanent innovation applied to medicines make research and development and the continued medical training of health professionals indispensable to know the evolution of drugs, the latest treatments and advance in the improvement of the quality and life expectancy of society.
In this context, it is also understood the work developed by the pharmaceutical industry with health scientific organizations, complementary to that carried out within their companies.
1) The congressmen after registering in will receive before the Pain Forum a QR for their mobile device that will have to go through the QR reader of the conference room to accredit their attendance to the same which will validate the later sending of the diploma of use to the electronic mail with which it was registered.
2) The congressmen are asked to defer to the speakers themselves and to their own formation a presence in the conference room, always trying to take advantage of the training sessions.
3) The personnel of the pharmaceutical industry present are requested not to organize parallel activities to the training events and that any hospitality activity must be carried out at appropriate times and must always comply with the code of good practices.
4) The participants of the Forum Pain Menorca are kindly requested to avoid working lunches outside the congress premises, thus ensuring the indications of the previous points. For this in the price of the registration already includes the costs of the same for Friday and Saturday of the days of the event.