- Distinguished Prof. Jaime Rodríguez Quintosa. M.D, Ph.D. Specialist in Pediatrics and Specific Areas. Specialist in Pediatric Intensive Care. Specialist in Neonatology. Specialist in Legal and Forensic Medicine. Master’s Degree in University Teacher Training. Master’s Degree in Emergency and Critical Care. Master’s Degree in International Humanitarian Medicine. Master’s Degree in Medicine and Hyperbaric Chamber. Master’s Degree as Specialist in Advanced Treatment of Pain and Research. Diploma in Drug Addiction and AIDS. President of Efhre International University Foundation. Chair Executive Officer / Director of Efhre International University. President of the Spanish Association of Emergency 112 (AEM112). Consultant of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). Director of several University Masters – Specialists – Experts – Diplomas – Certificates.
- Prof. Dr. Cecilio Álamo González. Professor of Pharmacology. Alcalá de Henares University. Madrid. Spain.
- Dr. Carlos de Barutell Farinós. Outgoing President of the Spanish Society of Pain. Sine Dolore Merit Medal. Barcelona. Spain.
- Dr. Gary J. Brenner. Ph.D. Director, MGH Pain Medicine Fellowship. Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School. Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. EEUU.
- Dr. Paul J. Christo. M.D., M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine. Director, Multidisciplinary Pain Fellowship. Baltimore. Maryland. EEUU.
- Dr. Peter Cox. Consultant in Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. Westmead and St. George Hospitals. Sydney. Australia.
- Dr. Ricardo A. Cruciani, M.D., Ph.D.. Vice Chairman, Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care, Beth Israel Medical Center, NY, New York. EEUU.
- Dr. Arturo Cuomo. Director S.C. Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Analgesic Therapy National Cancer Institute IRCCS “Fondazione, G. Pascale” of Naples.
- Dr. Michael Erdek Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine and Oncology at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Director of Quality Improvement for the Division of Pain Medicine. Baltimore. Maryland. EEUU.
- Dr. Marina Mata, M.D.. Professor of Neurology University of Michigan.
- Prof. Giuseppe Mele, Pediatrician. Giuseppe Mele is the Past National President of FIMP, the Italian Federation of Pediatricians and Scientific Coordinator. He gained his degree in Medicine and Surgery in 1977; he specialized in pediatrics with full marks. He has always been passionate about civil and human rights and this brought him to fight for the rights in his category through the channel of medical unionism. He has been involved in the health system both on a professional level and from a political and unionist point of view. During his twenty-year medical and trade union experience, he can count numerous attendances to events such as: Ministerial Commissions, Scientific Boards, prestigious publications and national and international congress events. In 2013 he has been nominated expert for the Advisory Committee for the Pediatric area of the Italian Medicines Agency.
- Dr. Walter Gianni. Head of Chronic Pain Therapy, Study Centre PAC (Persons High Complexity) Scientific Director IRCCS San Raffaele Pisana. Rome.
- Prof. Dr. Cosme Gay-Escoda. Chairman and Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Barcelona. Director of Master of Oral Surgery and Implantology of the EHFRE International University. Coordinator of research group “Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Therapeutics” of the Institute of Biomedical Research of Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Head of Department of Oral Surgery, Implantology and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Teknon Medical Center, Barcelona, Spain.
- Dr. David Fink, M.D.. Robert Brear Professor and Chair Department of Neurology University of Michigan.
- Prof. Irene Georgakoudi, PhD; Professor, Biomedical Engineering Dept., Tufts University, Medford MA, USA
- Prof. Dr. Fernando Gilsanz. Professor of Anesthesiology Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. President of the Spanish Society of AnesthesiaResuscitation and Pain Therapy. Madrid.
- Prof. Dr. Carlos Goicoechea García. Professor of Pharmacology. Coordinator “Master in the Study and Treatment of Pain”. Rey Juan Carlos University. Madrid. Spain.
- Prof. Dr. José Luis Gutiérrez Pérez. Full Professor of Oral Surgery. Director of Master of Oral Surgery, University of Seville. Head of Maxillofacial Surgery Department, Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla. Spain.
- Prof. Dr. Antonio Montero. Professor University of Lleida and Head of the Surgery Department in the University of Lleida.
- Dr. Pedro Montoya. Full-Professor of Biological Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands.
- Prof. Jordi Moya Riera. M.D., Ph.D.. Specialist in Anesthesia-Resuscitation and Pain Management. Specialist in Pain Management and Spine. Director, Master’s Degree as Specialist in Advanced Treatment of Pain and Research. European Multidisciplinary Pain Meeting, Chairman. Founder of the Association Against Pain: Sine Dolore. Director of the European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain, Research and Education
- (EMNIPRE). European Institute for the Advanced Treatment of Sinedolore Director. Director of the Research Chair Sine Dolore in Efhre International University (EIU).
- Multidisciplinary Mediterranean Pain Forum Chairman, Director of Sine Dolore International School for Patients with Pain.
- Prof. Oscar de León Casasola. Professor and Vice-Chair for Academic. Affairs. Chief, Pain Medicine and Professor of Oncology. Roswell Park Cancer Institute; Buffalo, Nueva York. Consultor Teknon Pain Clinic.
- Dr. Russell K. Portenoy. Chairman and Gerald J. Friedman Chair in Pain Medicine and Palliative Care. Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Beth Israel Medical Center. Professor of Neurology and Anesthesiology Albert Einstein College of Medicine. New York. EEUU.
- Dr. Srinivasa N. Raja. Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology / Critical Care Medicine, and director of Pain Research and the Division of Pain Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Maryland. EEUU.
- Dr. Manuel Rodríguez. Head of the Pain Unit of Carlos Haya Hospital in Málaga. Sine Dolore Merit Medal. Spain
- Dr. Sebastiano Mercadante is Director of Anesthesia & Intensive Care Unit, Pain Relief & Palliative Care Unit, La Maddalena Clinic for Cancer, Palermo, Italy and Professor of Palliative Medicine at University of Palermo. Dr. Mercadante got his Doctor’s degree (Medicine & Surgery) with full marks from University of Palermo. He has given more than 400 hundred lectures at national and international congresses, also has more than 350 papers published in peer-reviewed international journals. Dr. Mercadante is Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the XI congress of ESRA, Italian Chapter, Palermo, 2004; Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the 7th congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Palermo, April 1-5th, 2001; and Chairman of the Scientific Congress of 22° congress of MAASC, Rome, 2009. He is member of dozens of scientific committees of international congresses. In 2013, he got John Mendelson MD Award from University of Texas MD Anderson cancer center “for extraordinary contribution in palliative care” Houston.
- Prof. Dr. Luis M. Torres. Head of the Anesthesia-Resuscitation and Pain Management. Director of the Journal of the Spanish Society of Pain. Assistant Subdirector of the External Chair of Pain of the Grünental Foundation. University of Cádiz. Hospital Puerta del Mar. Cádiz. Spain.
- Dra. Anica Vasic. St George Pain Management Unit, St George Hospital. Sydney. Australia.
- Prof. Brian Wainger. Assistant Professor of Neurology and Anesthesiology at Harvard Medical School and attending Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital. He studied molecular biology as an undergraduate at Princeton University and ion channel physiology in the M.D./Ph.D. program at Columbia University. He then completed medical residency in the Partners Neurology Program followed by a clinical fellowship in Pain Medicine at MGH and research fellowship with Clifford Woolf at Boston Children’s Hospital. His Clinical expertise spans the intersection of Neurology and Pain Medicine.
- Prof. Dr. Deby Vinski. Bachelor of Medicine. Ph.D. University of Dresden. President of the World Council for Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine, Indonesia. •
- Dr. Antonio Cañellas Trobat. Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgery. C.S, M.D., Ph.D. Member and Secretary General of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Balearic Islands, and of the Royal National Spanish Academy of Medicine.
- Dr. Dae-Jung Choi. Spine Surgeon. Barum Hospital Jin-Ju, South Korea.
- Jianguo Cheng, M.D., Ph.D., FIPP. Professor of Anesthesiology. Vice President for Scientific Affairs, American Academy of Pain Medicine. Director, Cleveland Clinic Pain Medicine Fellowship Program. Department of Pain Management and Neurosciences. Cleveland Clinic Anesthesiology Institute and Lerner Research Institute.
- Prof. Boaz Samolsky Dekel, Scientific Director of No Pain Foundation, Malta
- Prof. Ignacio Hernandez Lizasoain. Vice Chancellor of Science Policy, Research and Doctorate. Professor of Pharmacology. Complutense University of Madrid. Spain •
- Dr. Mario di Palma. Department of Oncology. Institute Gustave Roussy. Villejuif (France).
- Dr. Überall. Institute for Quality Assurance in Pain Therapy and Paliative Care Medicine. Nüremberg. Germany
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